Read the archived Kappa Sigma Denison alumni and chapter news here. These stories are distributed to alumni monthly via our email newsletter.*

*Not getting our emails? Fill out our contact form with your email address and let us know we should add you to our alumni email list.

Meet New Board Member, Cole Poyfair ’19

The Gamma-Xi House Corporation/Alumni Association Board met on November 4th in its first virtual Zoom meeting. Cole was elected as our latest and youngest member of the Board. During his time at Denison, Cole played goalie on the DU Lacrosse team and served as Pledge Trainer (twice) and as GMC his senior year. He almost single-handedly assembled all the table and benches on the new p

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Congratulations to the 2020 Kappa Sigma at Denison Endowment Award Winners

The Gamma-Xi House Corporation and Alumni Board congratulates this year’s 2020 Endowment Award Winners.

The awards are given to brothers that are on financial aid with the university and show leadership and involvement within the chapter and on campus.  This year, awards totaled $12,600 which are administered by the university to pay tuition or student loans.

This is the 6t

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Remembering Denison Campus Traditions

If there’s one thing we're certain about in 2020, it’s that everything is uncertain. Just ask any corporate advertisement ever (watch this video for

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Help us Find Missing Brothers

As Denison continues to issue announcements about fall semester in the face of COVID-19 our Alumni association must make important decisions about the future of Gamma-XiRead More >

Why Gamma-Xi?

You already know the impact Greek life has—because you lived it. The term ‘social fraternity’ might give the impression that the Greek experience is superficial. But research shows that

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Photo Flashback – Re-Visiting 1963 Gamma-Xi

This month we are taking the photo time machine back to 1963 at Denison“It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” was in theaters
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Denison Plans For Coming Back

Brothers, I know you must be wondering what Denison’s plans are for the Fall 2020 semester in light of
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Gamma-Xi Brothers Speak Up

In last month’s e-letter, we sent out a survey to Read More >

Love in the Time of COVID-19

The most difficult part of quarantine, for many people, has been the severing of our in-person interactions. While there is certainly joy to be found in solitude, humans are, by their nature, social. And it is in our small interactions with others that we find much of our joy. The occasional trip into self-isolation can be helpful, but it must always be counterbalance

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“The Best Years of My Life”

In the midst of pandemics and job worries, family matters and just daily life in general, it’s easy to forget all that our Kappa Sigma experience gave us and still gives. 

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How Social Distancing Will Help Us Find Happiness

In 2000, Robert Putnam published his groundbreaking book “Bowling Alone,” which argued that Americans had become disconnected from the people in our lives. Over 25 years of research, he found that people belonged to fewer organizations, knew fe

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Share Your Thoughts, Gamma-Xi Alumni!

We sent some of our Gamma-Xi alumni these questions in an email questionnaire. Now we’d love to hear from all of our Gamma-Xi alumni!
If you want to answer these questions yourself, or just share your stories, pictures, or personal news with us, please email us at

As an alum, what do you see as the most valuable part of your Gamma-Xi experience?

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Stuck at Home and Self-Isolating? Gamma-Xi Has an Assignment for You

If you’re sitting at home right now, quarantined and following your local stay-at-home orders, and the most exciting parts of your day have been breakfast, walking the dog and watching sitcom reruns on television, then you may feel just a twinge of guilt when you see how some are using their newfound free time.

Maybe a fellow Denison alum in your Facebook feed just completed a complex

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Gamma-Xi Alumni Share Their Thoughts!

We sent some of our Gamma-Xi Alumni questions in an email questionnaire. Thanks to everyone who responded! We appreciate you taking the time to send us your feedback, and we thoroughly enjoyed reading about your experiences with Gamma-Xi!

Below is one of our favorite responses. If you want to share your stories, pict

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Kappa Sig Stands Strong

It only takes one look at the most recent headlines to realize that we’re all facing uncertain times. Not only are there health threats on our doorsteps, especially for our older alumni, but we face the threat of economic peril as well, even after the threat of a pandemic is appropriately handled.

However, in the face of all this uncertainty and in spite of Denison University shu

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Gamma-Xi 2020 Pledge Class and New Officers


Gamma-Xi 2020 Pledge Class

Row 2: Davis Smith, Gavin Wagner, Talmage Preyer, Nate Swift, Liam Pulford, Jake Mascotte, Cam Brickley, Andrew Fluri, Jack Buldger, Scott Okel

Row 1: Jack Duane, Henry Schwartz, Bobby Krumme, Charlie Glennon, Ethan Miracle, Charlie Cohen

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Three Ways to Support the Kappa Sig Brotherhood If You Have a Busy Schdeule

Work, Marriage and Parenthood Probably Dominate Your World Right Now...

Ever feel like there’s not enough time left for Brotherhood? Having a busy schedule and heavy workload doesn’t have to stop you from supporting Kappa Sig. Here are three ways to support and stay involved when your time is limited.

Plan a big group outing in

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Kappa Sig Love Stories

If you haven't responded to our alumni updates survey from last month asking if your met your sweetheart because of Kappa Sig, there’s still time to share during this month of romance and love. Click HERE to reminisce ab

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